Friday, November 27, 2009

This day that year....!

A year after the terror attacks on Bombay, I wonder how things have changed for the betterment. Or to be precise has there been any change for that matter?
The anger, the anguish that mobilized the young generation to come ahead and make their voice heard has diminished in a short time span. May be, just may be, had we been persistent on the govt and the judiciary taking up immediate action, there might have been faster course of action taken. The judicial procedures have always been slow and drag. A terrorist who has killed so many innocent people is given special protection, spent huge amount on keeping him alive in a bid to get more information about the sources of terrorism. But isn't the chain so long that in the process he will be rewarded with a considerable amount of life and enjoy the previledge of being alive. Now that he knows that he will be protected and made to live, he must have relaxed and hence changed his initial statement.
On the other hand policemen still carry the old guns that many will never use them ever during their tenure. the security forces are still not doing the best they can otherwise. People who were shouting slogans, slowly forgot those words. now, after a year, all the emotions might come up again only to fade out in a day or two. Not just others, but I too, am sitting in front if the computer writing this blogpost, which I know will not be read by many. Yet trying to convince myself that I m doing my bit by writing about it. but deep down I know that this is of no use.Action speaks more than words. i may not be able to change the system completely but i can atleast be a responsible citizen and fulfill my duties. This will be that BIT which will actually make a difference.
Once again i feel that the "never say die" spirit of Bombay is making us shameless enough to get over an incident like that and move on.

may all the victims R.I.P.
Salute to the martyrs.


Gay Man said...

Not many are interested in reading about what you have posted. Yet if people like you don't post and people like me don't read, we will NEVER see a change, ever.

Millions had seen poverty in Kolkata for generations. Yet only Mother Teresa stepped in to DO something about it.

The power of ONE.

Keepsaker said...

thnks for the wonderful comment.... u hav actually made the point more clear, its the people like Mother Teresa who worked for the cause, and not someone like me who would just type something, tht will make a difference.

Priti L Mishall said...

Its really true, the "Never say Die" attitude of making its people die and move forward with time without emotionally disturbing them...even about horrible attacks for long.I wonder if this Spirit is really helping to improve or making the conditions worse????

Keepsaker said...

How truly u hav put "never say die" is making people die.

i completely agree with u, the public was enraged just for a few days and thn they cooled off. the whole episode is like a cake with icing for the media.....on which they feasted not just last yr or this yr but will feast on it for many coming yrs....they willl celebrate anniversaries of the episode...and all the while kasaab will be leading a high profile criminal's safe and secured life in our jail...thts the worst part of it!

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thanks...who recommended u?